Wednesday, October 13, 2010

GNOME Outreach Program 2010

Last days, I've been trying to do as much as possible to be selected for this internship:
Cool, huh? Even if I don't get selected in the end, I'm having fun and learning a lot already, I come from a windows environment so I'm learning as I go. I found a universe of new knowledge that seems infinite to try and grasp. And it's really exciting.

My next step? Maybe try to do this:
I would like also to post here about what have I done already, and little its and bits of things I'm learning. If it weren't for this program I would have never found the courage and motivation to start. And I thought that addressing/grouping programmers by gender was a bad idea. If this hadn't been targeted to women, I would've never had applied.

I want to thank everyone involved, especially Daniel G. Siegel who helped me with my first steps in Cheese project.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you have joined to #women-outreach at IRC, you can also join to #gnome-hispano to get some help in getting introduced into GNOME, where to ask, and everything related. Most people there are Spaniards, but there also Peruvians, Mexicans, Chileans, etc.

There is also a mailing list:

Good luck!